Monday, November 7, 2011

Is That a Breadstick in Your Pocket or are You Just Happy to See Me?

Bread Sticks Chilling like Doughy Wieners
   Errybody who knows me knows how much I enjoy a good board game. So we all decided it was board game night. I thought to myself "twat could I make for everybody?" Opened my book and found some breadsticks. Everyone loves wiener shaped foods that can be eaten by hand!
   This was the first time I really felt like I wasn't fucking up super hard. I mixed it all up with my hands and then transfered the dough to the counter. Now I'm not a very efficient or skilled dough kneader, but I think I'm starting to get it down pretty well. The book said to knead it for like 8-10 mins. It took me like 15. It's all good though cause I like kneading the dough. It zones me out and I mean it's fun to squish and smash and pull things.
   So after it passed the windowpane test (look it up yourselves if you wanna know that bad) I oiled up a bowl and put it in there to rest and ferment. I left it a little longer than I probably should have. oops. The dough was about 2 1/2 - 3 times larger instead of just doubled. I figured it didn't matter cause I was just making breadsticks out of it, and because I just didn't give a shit.
   I rolled out the dough and formed them into strips. I added sea salt and some garlic powder to most of them. One batch a put cinnamon sugar and pumpkin pie spice (just a little). I figured it's still kinda fallish so might as well. Baked them at 450 for about 10 minutes. I like soft breadsticks so I left them soft and slightly golden brown.

Basket-o-sticks and some wine for game night!
   Everyone came over and after an episode of Glee and Modern Family it was game time. We decided on the game of Life. Which is always just a ridiculous endeavor. I mean for real. Shit in that game can get so depressing so fast. And I love at the end you have to go to a nursing home when you retire and you loose all your fucking identity. So funny since one turn ago you were taking fucking vacations and in the prime of your life.  But anywhos... We drank wine and played games and ate probably a batch and a half of breadsticks. So I'm guessing they turned out all good. I mean I liked them, but it doesn't matter what I think, I just make the shit.

They Love Breadsticks in their Mouths. Sluts.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Slack Attack

   I am making bread I promise. But when you have advancedly aged grandparents and live at home, you don't exactly get to do whatever you want all day. So this last week hasn't been so hot for the bread baking. However, I am doing it and there will be more bloggery to come super soon.
   Whilst you are waiting with baited breath and uncontrolled excitement. I thought I would randomly begin quick simple posts of failed names of this blog. It wasn't always just going to be YB3... there were other saucy little names that almost made it. So here for your pleasure is the first of the failed names of my blog.

Failed blog name #1: Freshly Pinched Loaves... and yes, I did chuckle as I typed it.